From the 16th to the 18th of November, VSN will attend NATEXPO 2016 trade show in Moscow (Russia), where it will show first hand to all the attendees its new solutions and software developments that have been officially presented throughout last months. Among others, VSNQC Quality Check solution or some key integrations between VSNEXPLORER and Thesaurus online or Microsoft Azure Media Services Cloud platform.
VSN’s team is travelling to the city of Moscow to present during the 16th, 17th and 18th of November all its recent and most innovative software developments within the international trade show NATEXPO 2016: a biannual event that VSN regularly attends, in order to show its latest advances to the Russian market.
On this occasion, all attendees to the trade show interested in discovering further about VSN’s range of solutions will be able to discover first-hand, among others, the recently presented VSNQC new product for content quality control or the successful integration between VSNEXPLORER and Thesaurus online: an innovative software development that takes advantage of all the Linked Data technology potential, in order to automatically associate additional information extracted from the Internet to our content.
Furthermore, VSN will also present for the first time in the Russian market all its latest advances based on HTML5 for its Media & Business Process Management solutions, as well as some of its lately improved developments, like the integration between VSNEXPLORER MAM system for media management with Microsoft Azure Media Services Cloud platform – which still is one of the star products of the firm, according to its clients and prospects.
‘Russia is a really important and interesting market for us, where we have lately implemented some big projects for top level clients like CTC Media or Eda TV. That is why we still bet on this market, where we want to keep growing in the following years, and where events like NATEXPO give us the opportunity to show all our potential clients what advantages can bring to their media companies and TV channels our Broadcast and Media solutions’, states VSN’s Sales Manager for the region, Javier Encinas.
All those people interested in discovering VSN’s software developments and products in depth during NATEXPO can book in advance a meeting with our team through the following link.