VSNMULTICOM, VSNEXPLORER MAM and VSNEXPLORER BPM have been the solutions chosen for implementing a complete playout system capable of automating three different TV signals. The project, that is currently undergoing the testing phase, is expected to be officially launch on January 2017.

The public television channel from Aragón autonomous region in Spain, Aragón TV, has trusted in VSN’s technology for the supply, installation, configuration and implementation of a brand-new redundant playout automation system that covers its three TV channels: Aragón TV, Aragón TV HD and Aragón TV INT, along with its partner TSA, Telefonica Servicios Audiovisuales. The contract’s main goal is to technically update the channel’s automation system and include new functionalities for the workflows’ automation, content management and integration of all the systems already existing at its facilities.
In particular, VSN has installed two VSNMULTICOM solutions with redundant configuration, in order to achieve the aforementioned playout automation system. One solution will be specifically dedicated to the broadcasting, whereas the other will be focus on the channel’s recordings. This way, the project guarantees maximum reliability and a continuous broadcasting in the three TV channels, thanks to the parallel and redundant configuration that has been implemented to allow every single solution to work and operate independently.
Furthermore, both systems have been integrated with VSNEXPLORER Media Asset Management solution (MAM) and VSNEXPLORER Business Process Management (BPM) modules, in order to unify and control under one single platform all the media workflows managed in both playout systems and also within the television’s archive. Among others, there have been automated processes such as the media ingest coming from Traffic with associated Metadata and the transcodification, validation, archiving and content retrieving workflows once the media has been broadcasted.
Finally, it has to be also highlighted that VSNEXPLORER MAM and BPM have been integrated with all the third-party systems already installed at the TV channel’s facilities, so as to centralize and automate all the workflows, media and metadata used by Aragón TV professionals. The main integrations that were specifically developed for this project were with DAC and Tedial archive systems, MAPA-GREC traffic system, subtitling from Anglatecnic, branding and graphic systems from Grass Valley and Vértigo, Aurora Quality Control and Harmonic videoservers.
The final result of the project allows Aragón TV to rely on a playout system completely automated all along the whole media life cycle, from the files and video exportation to their delivery to the servers for the broadcasting. Moreover, the scalability of the system allows the channel to grow and consecutively add more playlists and systems to the whole installation, according to its future needs.
Since its very first broadcasting on the 21st of April of 2006, Aragón TV has bet on sharing plural information and entertainment of quality always related to the points of interest of Aragón population. Currently, the corporation has become one of the most consolidated public TVs in Spain and the most influential one within this autonomous region.