The TV channel, dedicated exclusively to the prestigious football club, has been carrying out a complete renovation of its installation, lead by the integrator Telefónica Servicios Audiovisuales (TSA). TSA has trusted again in VSN, that had already provided the channel with a tapeless system in 2011. The company’s solutions for continuity automation (VSNMULTICOM) and VSNCREA TV (for TV planning) will ease and optimize Barça TV’s daily operations with its most recent versions.
Barça TV, Barcelona F.C.’s TV channel, has expanded its facilities thanks to TSA, leader of the project, and the company VSN Innovation & Media Solutions, that has provided the channel its contrinuity automation and TV planning solutions VSNMULTICOM and VSNCREA TV, respectively, that also control the client’s graphic tool. The VSNSPIDER technological platform will be in charge of orchestrating workflows in the system. With this renewal, the redundancy levels of the whole system have been increased, guaranteeing maximum security while on air.
The deployment time was only of two weeks, ensuring that the renovating process had minimal impact on the daily activity of the channel. This way, Barça TV’s trusts again in acquiring the most advanced technology in the market regarding continuity automation and TV operative. In 2011, the channel had already trusted in VSN for an important renewal process that reached the goal of leaving tapes and the analog world behind to make the channel fully digital, an operation that was carried out with great success.
“This project perfectly proves again that VSN’s solutions are the perfect answer to the market’s most demanding needs and that we adapt to the requirements of any client”, declares Roberto Pascual, VSN’s Sales Director for Europe & Africa. “Thanks to VSNMULTICOM and VSNCREA TV, the channel is able to reach the fans of F.C. Barcelona around the world with its news and matches, with the assurance that technology will be on its side when on air. Collaboration with TSA has been excellent and together we have been able to deploy and launch the system in record time”.
Barça TV is a sports TV channel fully dedicated to Barcelona Football Club. This thematic channel launched its first broadcast on July 27, 1999. Nowadays, Barça TV daily broadcasts content related to the famous football team and its youth squads, history, classic match and players, basketball section, 24 hours, seven days a week, to a wide audience of devoted football fans.
Here you can watch the complete video on the first project developed by VSN for Barça TV: