The prestigious trade show celebrated in Dubai has confirmed some of the trends that last year anticipated, both at an international and regional level. The impact of cloud in workflows -further developed by VSN in its media management solution with the integration of VSNEXPLORER with Microsoft Azure- is king, and new trends are consolidating too, such as IP contribution and software-based workflows.
VSN has participated with great success at CABSAT 2016, the most important trade show of the Middle East region that also attracts a great deal of visitors from Asia-Pacific. The team not only showed VSN’s solutions, but also delivered a conference at the Content Delivery Hub, a CABSAT initiative to highlight the most interesting and innovative companies. Javier Encinas, Sales Manager for the region, talked with “Where are audiences? Learn to find them with Video on Demand (VoD)” of the latest trends of the sector.
In this presentation, that will be available shortly, VSN has explained the logic process for the implementation of a VoD service to diversify and reach to a broader audience. This process starts with the installation of a Media Management system (MAM) with all the indexed content of the traditional TV. This content can be administered, catalogued and archived so that at any moment it is possible to export it to a WebTV platform and therefore easily reach audiences.
In this second phase, we find some basic requirements that the system must fulfill, such as the capacity of programming an on-line schedule, on-demand videos or live streaming, among others. As well, it is crucial to get access to analytical data to evaluate all this features. Finally, the next step is to analyse and improve the results, promote the platform and re-use the content library, that now has infinite chances of monetization.
The trade show has seen the consolidation of the trends highlighted by VSN in its portfolio of products, trends that are going to change the sector:
- More presence of the Cloud, that is moving huge quantities of processes and data to the Cloud, with an incredible saving of resources and the exponential rise of productivity. These changes have already arrived to the Broadcast and Media & Entertainment, as we can see with the integration of VSNEXPLORER with Microsoft Azure.
- Remote broadcast and IP content contribution is another one of the trends that are arriving to the sector and whose importance will have a relevant impact in its future. CABSAT has seen the presence of this two new fields, and exhibitors and visitors have paid special attention to this developments.
- File-based and software workflows are changing the focus from hardware and complex and heavy physical installations to more light and flexible structures. This agile and collaborative workflows are now a reality that is change the way the work, and it is here to stay.
“As every year, CABSAT has proven to be a very important event for us and a perfect chance to show everything that our solutions can do to solve the needs of the companies in the Middle East”, declares Javier Encinas, VSN’s Sales Manager for ME. “In this edition, we are very satisfied with our conference at the Content Delivery Hub, the assistance to our stand and the great number of contacts and networking we have made. We are looking forward to be here next year”.
After CABSAT, VSN is already preparing its team and solutions to participate at NAB Show in Las Vegas with all its arsenal of new features, including the revolutionary integration of VSNEXPLORER and its media management modules with Azure’s Media Services, giving birth to a MAM on Cloud that is ready to take advanced collaborative work to the sector’s workflows.