VSN presents a new Case Study about its recent project at Roya TV facilities to implement VSNWEBTV solution for Video on Demand (VoD) service and live events and programming broadcasting. Thanks to the new VSNWEBTV software, Roya TV is now prepared for increasing both its coverage and online audience, while completing even more its End-to-End system that it has been using for the last 5 years.
Roya TV, one of the most important private televisions in Jordan, has trusted once again on VSN’s technology to go beyond traditional and linear TV Broadcast and start managing and delivering content in a multiplatform work environment, including Video on Demand offer and live Streaming broadcastings for its whole programming.
To date, the Jordan TV channel, a loyal customer of VSN since 2011, used for its daily operations a broad spectrum of VSN products, ranging from ingest and Media Asset Management (MAM), to archive and storage, News system and MCR automation solution. That is, Roya TV has essentially been working with VSN’s End-to-End broadcast system for the last years, which has been now completed even more thanks to the latest acquisition of VSNWEBTV system.
Among the new functionalities that this system provides with it is specially relevant its quick and flexible distribution of files and assets, so that Roya TV can deliver them to be broadcasted or published on social media and its website directly from the MAM system.
‘Roya TV was 100% sure about what it was looking for: a system for video delivery through the Internet, in order to head into the digital world where audiences keep increasing these days. Considering this, Roya TV chose our VSNWEBTV solution not only for its flexibility and adaptation to different formats and devices, but also for its scalability and perfect integration with the rest of systems already in used at the channel. At the end, what this new system allowed was to completely automate all the tasks developed from ingest to broadcast both in traditional and online platforms’, states VSN’s Project and Support Engineer, Michael Earl Javier.
In order to discover in depth this VoD and Streaming project for Roya TV, you can check or download the new VSN’s case study already available through the following link.