Screen multiplication: content consumption in 2020

As we approach the end of this 2020, the study of the impact that this unusual year has had on the Broadcast & Media industry is more interesting than ever, not only to confirm some early ideas about what remote working, confinement and the lack of leisure alternatives could cause, but also to begin to understand the new paradigms of an industry whose circumstances have led in many cases to a quantitative, cultural and technological leap forward.
This acceleration and shift in trends seems to have come to stay, so it is worth taking a look, first of all, at the evolution of the king’s consumption aka content, in three of the areas that have experienced the most changes: linear television, video on demand and live streaming.

Esta aceleración y cambio de tendencias parecen haber llegado para quedarse, por lo que merece la pena echar un vistazo, en primer término, a la evolución del consumo rey, el contenido, en tres de las vertientes que han experimentado más cambios: televisión lineal, vídeo bajo demanda y live streaming.
