5 features that your new traffic & scheduling system must have

The Broadcast & media industry has experienced in recent years major changes.Today, media companies need to be able to distribute their content and reach huge audiences through multiple platforms. Therefore, to survive, it is is essential to have a traffic and scheduling system that fits this new reality.

What role will interoperability play in the future of the broadcast and media industry?

In the most simple terms, interoperability can be defined as the ability of a product or a system to collaboratively and easily work with other third party products or systems. Nowadays, due to the digital revolution, broadcasters and media companies face many more compatibility and interconnection issues. With flexibility comes complexity — and the only path back to simpler times is via interoperability.

5G technology and Artificial Intelligence will have a prominent role in the future of media companies

With record-breaking numbers of attendance, one more year the Mobile World Congress 2019 has highlighted the extraordinary success of media and video content, which continue to be presented as the main characters in the future of communications. From VSN, we review some of the most outstanding trends and innovations of the Barcelona event and analyze how they will play a prominent role in the development of audiovisual content.

World Television Day 2018: different ways to consume content, same goals

November 21st, World Television Day, is a special date for all professionals in the Broadcast and Media & Entertainment industries. In 1996, the General Assembly of the UN proclaimed World Television Day as a commemoration of the First World Forum on this medium hosted by the international organization. Today from VSN we join this celebration to highlight the role and development of a communication tool that since its first broadcasting more than 80 years ago, has helped to inform, guide and channel public opinion generation after generation.
