Your future is audiovisual too: Gaming and streaming
In this article we review how the streaming and video game industry is using the video and how they can use a MAM system and BMS to manage its media.
In this article we review how the streaming and video game industry is using the video and how they can use a MAM system and BMS to manage its media.
The way we show our content is just as important as having the best shows. To address this problem, OTT platforms came up with content curation solutions.
During the last ten years, the investment in ads on the internet has overpassed the television. We analyze how VSNCrea can help you with your ads.
We focus on how corporations use video to add value to their internal workflows and external communications and how they can manage this audiovisual archive
Since its invention, video become an essential format. Therefore, in 2005 UNESCO proclaimed the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on October 27th.