Kantipur TV begins broadcasting in HD thanks to VSN

Kantipur TV, the main private television channel in the Republic of Nepal, has begun broadcasting its content in HD, thanks to the successful migration done by VSN.

Kantipur TV in HD

El canal Kantipur Television Network has placed its trust again in VSN to ensure maximum quality in its broadcasts and has commissioned the transition to high definition of all its solutions, which were already installed by VSN in 2012.

The complete migration of this television channel system required the updating of the following components: its complete news solution, composed of a redundant playout and also available for news production; VSNMulticom continuity automation system, also responsible for controlling the new video servers; and its advanced VSNCG+ graphics generator.

In addition, Kantipur TV channel also requested this transition to be carried out in the shortest time possible and, of course, without interrupting its normal activity. Thus, the transition took place in less than two weeks, meeting the deadlines and allowing the Asian television network to successfully start broadcasting in high definition at the end of last September.

“We have been working with Kantipur TV for a long time in VSN. Given our relationship, we worked closely together to make this transition to HD as simple as possible, in addition to fully adapt to each of the specifications that were given from Nepal”, says Javier Encinas, Sales Manager of VSN and commercial manager of this project.

If you want to know the whole system that VSN designed for national and international broadcasts of Kantipur Television Network, you can download our case study through the following link.

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