The project has been developed for TSA with the goal of managing in a centralized way all the content that the company broadcasts in Spain and Latin America. In particular, one of the leading TV platforms in Spain, owned by Telefónica Group and comprising more than 3,7 million subscribers, Movistar+, is one of the clients that has opted for managing alll its content thanks to the development of this project.

VSN Innovation & Media solutions has successfully ended the installation and updating of a complete and advanced End-to-End system in the facilities of Telefónica Servicios Audiovisuales (TSA). This company is a subsidiary of the leading telecommunications group in Spain, Telefónica, completely specialized in the Broadcast sector. The End-to-End system has been entirely customized for TSA, according to its needs. It shows how the digital management of content for its OTT platforms in Spain and Latin America can be completely automated and customized, taking into consideration the client’s requirements. This task has been successfully completed thanks to the installation of an advanced Media Asset Management (MAM) system that includes all the latest technological innovations currently available in the market.
In particular, the updating of TSA’s facilities that has been carried out by VSN in order to manage its Video on Demand (VoD) platform in Madrid comprises VSNEXPLORER solution as the central core of the project. That is, a common platform (ESB, Enterprise Service Bus) for the media management, in charge of connecting the different parts of the system. This solution, specifically compounded in this project by the Media Asset Management (MAM) and Business Process Management (BPM) modules, allows TSA to automate and regulate all the processes that regularly send content and media to its two independent OTT platforms. To date, each sub-platform included different processes that were run and coordinated manually.
Thanks to having a centralized and unified system, VSN’s software also allows to automatically include metadata in the ingested files and take advantage of all the benefits this action brings to the company. Among others, monitoring all the files along the whole workflow, segmenting them by country or area of broadcasting, storaging them hierarchically with all the metadata added so that users can easily locate content, or even detecting errors or uncompleted tasks automatically within the assets included in the system, so that users can correct them.
Last but not least, another important element that guaranteed the project’s success was VSNEXPLORER’s integration with the main manufacturers that were previously part of TSA’s system. The main goal was making possible that all the solutions could fit together correctly with VSN’s new software.
Thanks to VSN’s new End-to-End system, TSA has now more flexibility when managing its digital content, as well as when monitoring it throughtout the whole workflow. Moreover, it allows the company to easily search for content, validate it and even detect and notify errors automatically before the content is broadcasted. Betting on a flexible and customized MAM system, perfectly adapted to the company’s needs, has allowed TSA to share and exchange its clients’ content ready to be broadcasted in Spain and Latin America without relying of physical formats and even while improving its work efficiency, thanks to the processes’ automation.